I am not crazy
I am a programmer

Let's make an impact!

Who's Jesse?

a creative

Hi, my name is Jesse van Leeuwen a game programmer.
Together with friends, I started a game company Ember Glitch to work on our own games and stories. We are currently working on Bloodbag a game about managing your own lifeforce and the lifeforce of your opponents. In addition to our projects, we work as freelancers to finance our passion.

I started programming so I could work with all kinds of creative people on a wide variety of projects from entertainment games to interactive game experiences

Jesse van Leeuwen sitting at a table

What I offer

My creative suite


My Journey

exciting projects I was a part off

oct 2017 - present

Game programmer / co-founder - Ember Glitch

Work as the lead programmer / founder and as a freelance gameplay programmer on various projects

Ember Glitch

mei 2023 - present

programmer / Studio Harm Hasenaar

Programmer on various projects for the studio and support the other programmers

Studio Harm Hasenaar

mrt 2021 - present

Programmer - Monobanda

Worked on Visible Voice as a programmer of various systems and prototyping mechanics. Visible Voice is a safe and inviting environment for children and youth dealing with intelligible behaviour, to better cope with feelings of aggression and anxiety

project page

sept 2021 - mrt 2022

Porting/Optimalisation - Monobanda

Create Remembering VR Port for Oculus Qeust and HTC Flow, made optimisation to various gameplay element to work on standalone VR headsets

project page remembering website

oct 2020

Coding/Finetuning - Monobanda

Created game mechanics and assisted with implementing existing game mechanics for an interactive VR story The Shape of Us

project page project website

dec 2017 - apr 2018

Game programmer - Monobanda

worked as Game programmer on Timbre in de klas. My function was to create the game mechanics and voice interactions

project page

dec 2016 - jun 2017

Game programmer - Monobanda

Timbre VR, Researched possible interaction with voice control

project page

sept 2016 - dec 2016

(Internship) game programmer - Monobanda

during my interschip I worked as a Gameplay programmer on Weltatem VR

project website

feb 2016 - jun 2016

(Internship) game programmer - Hibernate studios

during my interschip I worked on Rumble Run's UI and server backend

Hibernate Studios